In winter, what comes with exciting snowfall is the celebration of Christmas. From the
youngest to the oldest in the family, everyone gets thrilled with this particular thought.
Decorating the house along with the Christmas tree, everyone gets busy before finally
anticipating gifts under the Christmas tree the next day. As the tale suggests, Santa, riding
the sleigh studded with reindeer, is the one who spread this excitement for gifts among all
the generations. Santa wearing red and white attire rides around the entire world on the eve
of Christmas gifting all the children presents and fulfilling their wishes. But if you might have
noticed, all the depictions of Santa have him with a huge bag hanging over his shoulder. He
carries it all around while distributing the gifts.
Like the colors of the flower make them unique, the huge bag of Santa Claus is an essential
part of his existence. With his bag, he spreads happiness across the entire world, making the
celebration of Christmas unique. He makes people believe in the goodness of life with his
deeds. He depicts the moral of how doing good to others will eventually bring good to you.
For the innocent young ones, how exhilarating it must be when they would go to sleep,
knowing tomorrow will be the day when their wishes will be fulfilled. For they know,
everyone is precious to Santa and gifts are to be given to precious ones.
Just like Santa, each one of us should have gifts for our precious ones. A bag, full of happiness carrying all appreciation, to beautify our gratefulness towards them. From what we have learned and experienced from childhood; a meaningful gift can make the saddest dance. And hence, we all should carry this bag of happiness to lift the spirit of the ones who were with us when we were at our lowest to help them overcome the same; but with fewer difficulties.
Bag, carrying happiness not only helps others but helps you too. Because it also carries the confidence to energize you through all the events of your life. The confidence that one needs to muster before meeting someone influential, that one needs before speaking up for themselves in a crowd, the same bag, can give it all. With a subtle appearance, a pleasing bag is necessary too. Not only it will highlight your unique appearance but also will provide you with the confidence that comes after being seen as a powerful personality.
Keeping all this in mind, this Christmas, Henney Bear presents a series of different branded bags portraying the arts like Aurora, symbolizing the hometown of Santa, and the Cute Bear, signifying the happiness Christmas spreads. The bag of gifts sends out the meaning of love and happiness, that Santa wants to spread. And just like that, let’s make this Christmas livelier, with the bags for you and your loved ones. And along with the snow, let this thought be spread too, “Love others, and the love will embrace you.”