Cake Bear
Whether it is a cake or a bear, images of both of them convey sweetness and cuteness. A combination of both can express the childlike innocence through its various patterns. Cakes of different styles are very eye-catching just like its taste. Union of cakes and bears in their most lovable form produces one of the prettiest styles. Henney Bear has put this popular and commercial icon of cuteness while designing the backpack. It is one of the finest examples of traditional tapestry art being amalgamated with commercial famous icons. The red-dressed bears with ribbons on their heads knock the childhood memories. The crowns, the cakes, the badges, the doughnuts, and the ice-creams all the images in a way, point to the childhood memories. The red and reddish-brown colors on a base of white keep the traditional combination of red and white yet it looks so refreshing and relaxing.