This huge world we live in, isn’t it fascinating that there is so much more we haven’t seen? So, much we haven’t experienced and so much we haven’t enjoyed yet. The cultures, the festivals, people, food, vistas, a small life in this huge world. Doesn’t it give your itchy feet? When we take a look at the world map, it makes the world look so small, just the size of our palm.
Eventually, if we observe, the world is just as small as the palm of our hands. Small, yet diverse, and colorful. The maps are proof of it. They represent the real world on a much smaller scale and give us hope that the world is a scale we can cover by ourselves, in this lifetime. What we need, is just a map. The map with all the directions, naming all the wonderful places; the places on our bucket list.
Maps narrate the stories of the unknown lands we’ve never even been to. Or become the first guide of anyone during their trip to new places. If it weren’t for maps, the different worlds could never have been united together like this, on a single piece of paper. Neither one could’ve ever imagined journeying forward the seashore, nor would anyone’ve experienced the beauty of the other side.
Maps have increased the love for humanity and understanding of different cultures. They have built hope for us, that, the world isn’t as huge as we are worried about. It’s as small as we can travel across.
And for that wanderlust inside you to come alive, check out Henney Bear’s Map Bear collection. Based on a delicate piece of art these designer handbags are a reminder for you that the journey of life is the same as the journey across the world. And for you to travel confidently and never lose direction, the Map Bear will become your guide throughout and remind you that the world is made to travel and explore. It will forever show you the path and motivate you to move ahead.
So, take a step, and teach yourself the experience of what adventure is; what excitement the uncertainties hold. Because a journey of thousands of miles begins with one step. Thus, let yourself account for a new you and discover a new long path for you to travel across. With the maps, feel the world, the known and the unknown, inside your fist. And don’t let your wanderlust wait; don’t let it get caged inside the four walls of your house, your workplace, and your daily life. For it is said, “One cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” Muster your courage to take a step further from the land and swim across the ocean to explore the enigmatic and magnificent.
Leave behind your fears and let your wanderlust fly across and appreciate what awaits it. Maybe go somewhere no one has ever been, where everything is unmarked. Go where there is no path, what if, your trails make their way to the maps for others to admire?